Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California's Volunteer Physician Recognized for Lifesaving Community Service


The Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California proudly acknowledges and congratulates one of its most exemplary volunteers, Dr. Thomas Wallace, KM, recipient of the Threads of Hope Award from Diablo magazine. Wallace, along with four other community volunteers, was celebrated yesterday at a sold-out gala at the Lesher Center, honoring unsung heroes of the East Bay who are changing the region for the better through their volunteer work.

“Dr. Tom,” as he is affectionately known, is an 89-years-young retired neurologist, who has found his latest calling serving uninsured and low-income patients at the Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California in downtown Oakland. Four days a week, Dr. Tom makes his rounds treating patients who seek help for a variety of illnesses and needs – from chronic conditions, to injuries, to preventive care. Since 2014, Dr. Tom has treated more than 1,000 patients, with compassion, care, knowledge, and no financial reimbursement. As an example of his commitment and medical acumen, Diablo noted the story of Dr. Tom’s diagnosis and treatment of Justin Close, an Oakland-based chef who had let his medical insurance lapse due to financial challenges. He developed life-threatening double-lung pneumonia, and came to the clinic for help. Dr. Tom’s quick thinking, diagnosis and action was lifesaving. “If anyone should be nominated for sainthood, it’s Dr. Wallace,” Close said.

Faith has played a pivotal role in Wallace’s life, and it was an encounter with another clinic volunteer and parish priest after Mass in 2014 that brought him to the clinic and the next phase of his life’s work. He attributes this to guidance of the Blessed Virgin Mary to whom he is devoted.

“I am very grateful for this award,” Wallace said, “but it really is a shared award with the other 50 volunteers who staff our clinic. At my age and stage, it’s a privilege to carry forward the mission of the Order of Malta, to treat the sick and the poor, and to focus on the pure practice of medicine, without the exchange of money, reimbursements, or asking for ‘permission’ to help a patient in need.”

John Christian, KM, Board chair of the Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California, noted that Dr. Wallace may be the clinic’s oldest volunteer, but he is one of the youngest at heart. “Dr. Tom exemplifies our mission of upholding human dignity and caring for people in need in order to transform and save lives. He delivers on that promise every day, and is an inspiration to all of us. It is heartening to see his commitment acknowledged by the greater community. We hope his story will encourage others to volunteer and join our incredible community of caregivers.”